For many years I suffered terrible headaches radiating to the left eye, to the point of tears. . I was diagnosed with “cluster headache”.
I took four types of strong painkillers, cortisone and other anti-inflammatory cocktails, but it was getting worse. When one of the many neurologists consulted told me that he didn’t know what else to do with me, I thought seriously about suicide. I couldn’t take it any more..
A friend told me about chiropractic. That was about 8 years ago. I started searching online and came across Dr. Angela Olaru.
She had recently opened her clinic in Sant Cugat del Valles.
My life changed.
It is difficult to describe all the details. I found out that my headache had multiple causes, subluxations of the cervical vertebrae, dental malocclusion, poor diet, emotional stress. The healing process was long but finally got to eliminate drugs and lead a normal life. I married and I have a beautiful wife and daughter, who also are under chiropractic care.
I certainly recommend chiropractic care to every one.
Thank you Dr. Angela